i always try to write something. but somehow it happened to be a disaster entry


Posted: March 8, 2010 by si blogger kerek in

*omg? she is 24 now?

.                          *she is a girl with a few words

*pendiamnyer dia, unlike her mom's

well, i am 24. n i still couldn't figure out which voice should be use for each words i'm about to say. n yes my mom is totally different from me. because her name is Nani n im Nayney.

3 masuk angin kuar asap:

  1. hey.. im 24 too..
    heppy 24 then...

  1. dem. r u? hepi 24 u 2 u!! lets get weed to celebrate thn. hahahaha

  1. Anonymous says:

    not everything should turn into word; if not, then the art of face emotion will gone; forever.be yourself; and proud with it :)
    anyway; happy 24th

    from your elder brother :)