i always try to write something. but somehow it happened to be a disaster entry

ewah ewah

Posted: December 2, 2009 by si blogger kerek in

i will always wish you well

no matter how we will end up

thank you for the arm

thanks for the ears

and of cos the love

its ok if you have to go

and its ok to let me go

but dont ever forget me when ur sad

cos i will always by ur side

how i miss the d fight

and damn i miss when u hold me tight

never thought we could be this long

and never thought u really did win my heart

and as per yasmin

its ok to enjoy your life with the wrong person

before we meet the right person

and then the whole life and even the world will be ours

and yes please shut the door when you out

ewah2.. bermadah english. tak sedo dr aku ni. wakakaka

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